Safety Seat Installation Class participants will:
- Discuss different types of child safety seats that are available and what is best for them
- Learn the proper installation of a child safety seat
- Become aware of the most common misuse of a child safety restraint system
- The safest location for children in a motor vehicle
- Discussion of 3 types of a crash
- Types of Seat Belt Systems
- Locking Latch Plates
- ELR – Emergency Locking Retractor
- ALR – Automatic Locking Retractor
- Switchables – Seatbelt Switches from ELR to ALR
- Tether Anchors
- Latch – Lower Anchor & Tether for Children
- Variety of Child Safety Seats available
- Difference between 5 pt harnesses & 3 pt harnesses
- Proper installations of: Infant Carrier without a base/with a base,5 pt harness convertible, high back boosters with/without internal harness low back booster
- Proper installation of the child in a child restraint
- Current laws and NHTSA (Nation Highway Traffic Safety Administration) Recommendations